Volunteer Corner

On the race day, CanLake Ultras needs volunteers starting from 5:25 AM when we begin to set up the race and until 8:30 PM or so until we close the race and clean up. We don't expect all the volunteers to be available for the entire race. When you email the Race Director, Gil Robs, at CanLake50@gmail.com let him know when you'd help us out and for how long, and we'll find your assignment matching your availability.


You do not need to read further before committing to volunteer since volunteering is not rocket surgery, and most folks will figure out on the spot what to do, even if it is their first time volunteering. But in case this is your first time volunteering, reading the information below will give you an idea of what to expect, so it does not come as a complete surprise to you.


Perks for volunteering

  • Volunteer at least 4 hours at CanLake Ultras and earn a free GRTC membership - worth over $100 in discounts for Rochester area races, including $20 off CanLake Ultra fees.
  • Free meal at the end of the shift at the Race's Headquarters, served after 2 PM.
  • Depending on the race year - either a free running hat or a free t-race's t-shirt.


What we need

We need volunteers for the following assignments that don't require prior experience:

  • Aid Station volunteers
  • Road Marshals
  • Course rowers
  • Race Check-in volunteers
  • Finish-line volunteers

Also, we need a few special types of volunteers for whom the assignments are slightly more involved, and they are:

  • Aid Station Closer
  • Pumps Station Aid Station Volunteer (the first aid station on the 50M course)
  • Kipp Road Aid Station Volunteer (the last aid station on all courses)
  • AM Road Marshal at the ditch crossing
  • Leadout Biker


Volunteer Tasks by Assignment

Please review the list of volunteer tasks for each assignment. This may not be a complete list, but it should give you an idea of what to do for each assignment.

Aid Station Volunteers.

  • No prior experience required - just desire to help out.
  • What to bring:
    • Check the weather forecast and dress according to the weather.
    • Folding chair.
    • Knife or knives for cutting fruits and melons and preparing Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches.
    • 6' folding chair table
      • Let the Race Director know if you need a folding table, and one will be arranged for you.
    • Optional - popup tent that you can set up to hide from the weather elements
  • Aid Station Supplies
    • Aid Station supplies will be delivered to the location of each aid station about 30 minutes ahead of the race's lead runner and picked up by the Aid Station Closer right after the last participant leaves the Aid Station.
  • What to expect
    • Once the Aid Station supplies are delivered, Aid Station volunteers set up the aid station by laying out all the aid station food for race participants to grab once they go by, mixing the sports drink, cutting the fruits, preparing sandwiches, etc.
    • Once the race participants start going through the Aid Station, you may offer to help them. Most commonly, they may ask for help refilling their water bottles. At the later aid stations, they may just want to talk to someone before continuing on the course.
    • Aid Station Closing van will arrive slightly ahead of the last participant on the course.
    • Once the last participant leaves the Aid Station, pack the Aid Station Supplies and help to load them into a van.

Aid Station Closer

  • Time commitment - from 8 AM until 8 PM
  • Requires to rent a U-Haul for a race day
    • Rental and gas will be reimbursed.
  • Requires to drive from aid station to aid station, pick up the Aid Station supplies, and load them into a U-Haul.
  • The first Aid Station closes at 8:50 AM; the last Aid Station closes at 7 PM.
  • Yes, it's a long day for the Aid Station Closer, but they get to socialize with different Aid Station volunteers throughout the day and get to know some of the runners on the course.

AS#1 - Pump Station volunteer

  • Time Commitment - 6:45 AM until 8:50 AM
  • Pump Station is the first Aid Station on the 50M course, and it is right across the Canandaigua Water Treatment facility at 3772 Co Rd 16, Canandaigua, NY 14424
  • The first runner is expected at 7:25 AM at this Aid Station; the last has to leave by 8:35 AM to make the cutoffs.
  • What's different about the Pump Station Aid Station is that supplies for other Aid Stations will be delivered to each location than Pump Station volunteer needs to:
    • Pick up Aid Station Supplies from the race's headquarters at the Finger Lakes College in Canandaigua no later than 6:45 AM
    • Transport them to the Pump Station Aid Station.
    • Set up the Aid Station

AS #11 - Kipp Road Volunteer

  • Time commitment - from 12:20 PM to 6:55 PM
  • Kipp Road Aid Station is the last Aid Station on the course, and it is located at the intersection of Middle and Kipp roads. 
    • The closest address for this Aid Station is 4303 Middle Rd, Canandaigua, NY 14424
  • What's different about Kipp Road from other Aid Stations is that the Aid Station Closer will not stop at Kipp Road to pick up the Aid Station Supplies. Instead, Kipp Road volunteers will need to close the Aid Station themselves and transport the Aid Station Supplies back to the race's headquarters at Finger Lakes College in Canandaigua.
  • The first runner at this Aid Station is expected at 12:52 PM; the last at 6:40 PM.

Road Marshal at the crossing of the ditch

  • Time commitment - from 5:40 AM until about 9 AM
  • The Road Marshal at the ditch crossing needs to:
    • Pick up traffic cones from the Race's Headquarters around 5:40 AM or so.
    • Cone off the section of the shoulder on Route 5-20 about 2 miles from the start/finish line
    • Guide the runners safely over the ditch (without a Road Marshal, it can be confusing where the runners need to cross the ditch)
    • After the last 50M participant crosses the ditch, pick up cones, and return them to the Race's Headquarters.

Leadout biker for 50 M races

  • Time commitment from about 6:15 AM until 8 AM.
  • There are two starting waves for 50 M participants - first at 6:30 AM, the second at 7:30 AM.
  • The leadout biker needs a bicycle and rides in front of the first runner of each 50 M for the first two miles until the race course turns left on Route 5-20.